Bubble Wrap Privacy Policy

Updated 19th June 2024

TL;DR: Steam is used for some features.

Why is information collected?

To provide the following features:

What is collected?

The game collects information through the third-party Steam. This includes:

Additionally, this data is collected and sent to Steam:

Note: Steam is a third-party not controlled by, or affiliated with me. Please read the Steam Privacy Policy for more for a complete explanation of how your data is used.

If you contact the developer for any reason, your message and contact information is collected to respond to your request, enquiry, feedback, complaint, etc.

How is it used and disclosed?

When uploading a Mod to Steam Workshop, all files associated with the Mod are collected, uploaded and indefinitely stored on Steam servers. These files can be viewed, accessed, and downloaded by anyone. This also applies if you change, modify, update or edit a Mod. You may delete a Mod at any time through the Steam Workshop, but data may persist on servers for a time to fulfil legitimate purposes.

Settings, configurations, and statistics are synchronized between devices using Steam Cloud. Files containing this information are uploaded and indefinitely stored on servers. This feature can be turned off by going in the 'properties' menu of the game's Steam library page.

Personal information is not contained in Mod or Cloud Save files, within normal usage. Please do not edit the files to include any personal information.

Your Steam ID is used in order to record statistics and achievements. No other account information is accessed.

Contact details are not shared or disclosed, unless necessary to meet the purpose of your request, enquiry, feedback, complaint, etc.

Where is my information stored?

Data may be transferred between countries, and backed-up in data centers throughout the world.

Changes to Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy can be updated at any time, for any reason. If there are any material changes, a notice will be issued in the changelog, or another appropriate place. Please note that the Steam Privacy Policy may change at any time, independently to this one.

I want to...

Request my Information

Use the contact details below and specify the information you want to access, and how you want to receive it. I will fulfil your request within 30 days, unless a legitimate exception applies.

Correct my Information

Use the contact details below if your information is inaccurate, out of date, incomplete, irrelevant, or misleading. I will respond within 30 days, either fulfilling your request, or rejecting it if it is unreasonable or a legitimate exception applies.

File a Complaint

If you think your information has been mishandled, contact the developer using the details below. Your complaint will receive a response within 30 days. I will determine what action (if any) should be taken to resolve the complaint. If you are still unsatisfied, complain to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner


Privacy Officer

Email: contact@donutask.com

Trademark Notice: Steam is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.